Diagnostic Tool

If you reach out to Twosense for support, you may be asked to run the Twosense Diagnostic Tool. It is a PowerShell script that runs a suite of self-tests, collects basic information about the system (such as OS version, domain-joined status, etc.), and copies logs from installed Twosense software to a single zip file that can be sent back to Twosense for further investigation.

To run the tool, follow these steps on the machine that is experiencing the issue:

  1. If possible, sign in as the user experiencing the issue.

  2. Open a new PowerShell window as administrator.

  3. Navigate to a directory where you want the diagnostic information to be saved (such as the desktop, for example).

  4. Paste the following one-liner into the window and run it:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://twosense-public.s3.amazonaws.com/TwosenseDiagnosticTool.ps1'))

Once the diagnostic tool is finished, it will offer to send the information to the Twosense team. It should open a Google Form for collection in this case. If it does not, you can access it manually here: https://forms.gle/eQWVoUu2B2oKv3Mq5

After you share the zip file through the form, notify your support contact so we can inspect the contents further.

Last updated